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ESI Tronic BOSCH KTS 200, KTS 340 Startcenter [2011.2-3] Fixed

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Bosch in conjunction with the ESI [tronic] startup center and KTS [startcenter] control units include the following features: Capacity to use the ESI [tronic] startcenter software update and diagnostics for older models. Over 90% of current Bosch ESI [tronic] start center models are supported. Capacity for engine starting at many new models. In the start center the presence of all necessary combustion parameters can be checked, as well as the full system and battery charge and the coolant temperature.

With the support of the plug-in, progeCAD can create electronic database schema of the parametric objects, or the circuit of the component, including the circuit of the parameterized object Also, when making a bill of material, the plugin can perform an "electronic" manufacture of the 3D rendering by the 3D view of the parametric object. All data is stored in 3D format. In 3D, the data is stored in a file format of the Internet dimension, that is, in a universal format for the 3D viewer Support of progeCAD and progeBILLD Electrics Moreover, this function is fully integrated in progeCAD 10.1 and progeBILLD Electrics 2017 Support for progeCAD 10.1 and progeBILLD Electrics 2017 Support for 3D parametric object files (.dxf) BVDS-FILE format Supported format: BVDS-FILE Support of "** BVDS-FILE **" format. And the "SEMI-BVDS" and "BIG-BVDS" format. Support for "BVDS-FILE" and "BIG-BVDS" Support for 3D models, separated by "Engineering" and "Communications" Support for the 3D visualization Support for creation of dxf files - during the generation of 3D models Support for creation of BVDS-files - during the generation of 3D models Will support model 3D (.dwg) 3d9ccd7d82

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